
37 results

Gov’t rushes through long-delayed modernization projects

Gov’t rushes through long-delayed modernization projects

Both the purchase of anti-ship rockets and armored vehicles might happen via direct negotiations with sellers instead of bids, which brings risks

The week: More than one storm brewing in the Black Sea, Brussels’ pressure and TurkStream revelations

The week: More than one storm brewing in the Black Sea, Brussels’ pressure and TurkStream revelations

Bulgaria, where natural catastrophes meet ungovernability

The week: Ursula to the rescue, charging stations are coming, Schengen and other pipe dreams

The week: Ursula to the rescue, charging stations are coming, Schengen and other pipe dreams

The dangers of indecision

The week: First red flags for the new majority, Geshev’s last stand and a dead man crossing borders

The week: First red flags for the new majority, Geshev’s last stand and a dead man crossing borders

Is the second "historic compromise" going to end up like the first?

Despite hiccups, Bulgaria is poised to get its first "rotational cabinet"

Despite hiccups, Bulgaria is poised to get its first "rotational cabinet"

WCC-DB and GERB managed to broker a compromise after some limited concessions from the reformists

100 Days in Power: Where is the coalition heading to?

100 Days in Power: Where is the coalition heading to?

Three months into its mandate, the ruling coalition is splintered and facing a myriad of crises and inter-institutional wars

The week: Borissov arrested, Central Bank chairmanship tears the coalition, Resilience Plan still not ok

The week: Borissov arrested, Central Bank chairmanship tears the coalition, Resilience Plan still not ok

Former PM Borissov arrested, Guerilla war over BNB shakes the coalition and the Plan is still NOT alright

Tanks, refugees and unicorns - last week was one to remember

Tanks, refugees and unicorns - last week was one to remember

The Russian counterattack in the EU and Bulgaria is just starting. We have a unicorn startup, though

Bulgaria embarks on a massive rearmament program without clear priorities

Bulgaria embarks on a massive rearmament program without clear priorities

The process of selecting a new jetfighter for the Air Force has demonstrated the Ministry of Defense’s inability to manage complex projects